On occasion, Ashlie Spice Photography hosts/offers workshop and/or shootout opportunities. These are great ways to unleash creativity, network with fellow photographers, get content, learn, and have fun! 
To get first dibs at registration for up and coming events, be sure to sign up for emails!



1-on-1 GAB SESH

Starting at $350

Starting at $550

Offered online via video call. This is customized according to your needs and can range from topics such as camera settings, editing, technical computer settings/image quality, business, or anything else you may want to cover!
These sessions are about 1.5 hours in length.

These sessions are one-on-one and are based in Drayton Valley. We will get together for a coffee (or perhaps a mimosa) and chat about anything your heart desires! I want you to learn as much as possible from me in our time together. I am an open book! Some topic options are: posing, website review, editing/workflow, pricing, branding, or anything else you may be interested in! These sessions are about 2 hours in length.

Hi!!! I am SO glad you are here. One of the best things a new photographer can invest in is education (especially from other photographers.) I've spent years not just learning photography and camera basics, but also editing, workflows, website design, marketing, posing, pricing, and more. I am truly passionate about helping others navigate all things photography! (I am also a compulsive over-user of the exclamation point... you have been warned!)

let's talk details

this sounds perfect!


Starting at $950

let's do this!

This includes everything mentioned in the gab sesh BUT also includes a shoot!! I will prepare a session for us to model the posing advice and client interactions in real life. We will cover lighting, angles, posing, and client interactions! This is a great opportunity not just for learning, but also for portfolio building.
Finally; I will snap a few photos of YOU as a little mini branding sesh! Seriously... how fun does that sound?! 
Using our fresh new photos, we will go over the editing process! This includes Lightroom as well as skin smoothing in Photoshop. We will also cover exporting & photo resolution.
This package is really designed to help you SHINE! You are an artist, I am just helping you harness your flow and step into that next phase as a photographer! This experience is about 4.5 hours in length.

ahhh, this is the one!